Natural cave in Kayah State to be developed as tourist attraction

January 26, 2021

A natural cave, locally named as Mei Htauk Noon, in Nan Kit village of Pasawng Township, Kayah State, to be developed into an ecotourism site.
The Directorate of Hotels and Tourism of the state is working together with the members of the local tourism development committee, the Destination Management Organization and local hotelier association for a tourist attraction in the post-COVID-19.

U Lin Zaw Htut, a local official of the department, said, “Mei Htauk Noon cave still has natural beauties such as stalactites and drop of water slowly trickles through cracks in the cave roof. It is still an unspoiled natural cave that can attract both local and foreign visitors.” The cave is located within around 2 to 3-hour drive from Loikaw Township. The road to this cave is being developed by the local people led by the senior monk of township Sangha committee.
The development works also include the construction of road and electrification inside the cave with about 600-ft in length and 60-ft to 100-ft in width inside it. Other interesting places near the cave are a 100-year-old monastery with the displays of two huge ivories and ancient Buddha images, Woha waterfall and scenic views of Thanlwin River.—Ko Sai (Loikaw)

