Nature-based solutions are answer to achieving climate goals

Globally, emissions have dropped, and the demand for coal and oil is lower than it has been in a long time, due in large part to the decline in demand from transport and slowdown in manufacturing.


With the slogan “Build Back Better”, some governments in the world want to go further by harnessing their economic recovery plans to boost low-carbon industries.


Any post-pandemic recovery must be green and it must be sustainable.


Myanmar has adopted precise and decisive frameworks since 2019 to carry out every development programme, in accordance with policies and strategies that are harmonized to combat climate change. Also, the country is making efforts for mitigating and adapting to climate change to ensure that our present and future generations are resilient and can adapt to changing circumstances resulting from climate change.


It is important to include environmental friendly and climate change resilient plans in post-COVID economic recovery plans.


In keeping with this government’s intention to scale-up investment in renewable energy, we successfully launched a fast-track international competitive bidding process for no less than 30 solar power projects.


These solar projects send a clear message that Myanmar is brimming with opportunities and those with teams present in-country place themselves in an advantageous position to secure these opportunities.


 In April this year, within weeks of Myanmar’s first confirmed case, we launched our COVID-19 Economic Relief Plan (CERP) – paving the way for a raft of measures intended to mitigate the COVID-19’s economic impact while setting in place the foundations for a rapid economic recovery.


We fully understand that accelerating investment in renewable energy can drive economic recovery from COVID-19, while simultaneously increasing the number of jobs in the sector and meeting climate change targets at the same time.


As such, we seek to capitalize upon Myanmar’s potential for green investment in sectors such as energy and infrastructure, taking full advantage of this opportunity to build back better.


We are confident that our government has the ability to ensure that its policies will put the country on track to achieve the climate related goals of the 2030 agenda by implementing the targeted policies.