Nature of overtourismandits management

3 June


Meaning of overtourism

The  word  overtourism  is  very  popular  in  countries  with  developed  tourism  industry.  Overtourism  is  in-terrelated with the word overcrowding meaning  more  tourists  arrival  at  a  destination than the carrying capacity to host it. In fact, overtourism had a bad and negative impact on the local at the destination as well as the vis-itors to it.  


Double edged sword

Fame is a double edged sword in travel  industry.  The  meaning  is  that  when  a  destination  became  popular  among travellers there can be bene-fits such as arrival of more travellers, development of basic infrastructures, increased employment opportunities and improvement in social economic situation  of  the  local  people.  On  the  other  hand,  more  travellers  mean  more  degradation  of  the  travel  des-tination  resulting  in  environmental  damages,  invasion  into  privacy  of  the local and tourism phobia brought about by unwelcomed, unappreciated and unvalued increase in numbers of travellers.


Root cause of overtourism

Overcrowded  tour  destination  was  the  result  of  the  fame  of  the  destination.  It was also the result of placing emphasis on  quantity  over  quality.  Offering  cheap  service (budget airlines, budget hotels etc.) to make quick money that didn’t even cover the cost of maintaining the natural or man-made resources will result in overtourism. And  this  eventually  and  quickly  destroy  the natural or man-made resources of the destination making it less of an attraction.




Countries suffering impacts of over-tourism

Places  that  had  overtoursim  attract  most interest for traveller result of which is  a  higher  numbers  of  tourists  visiting  it.  Places  that  had  overtourism  will  face  locals opposing tourism as huge numbers of tourists were destroying the way of life and  cultural  heritages.  The  increased  income  and  opportunity  for  locals  from tourism was no longer attractive or wanted. For example, major tour cities in Europe such as Amsterdam, Barcelona and Venice which were receiving increasing numbers of  tourists  yearly  have  adopted  and  are  implementing  new  policies  for  tourism  industry in order to prevent overtourism. Maya Beach in Thailand made famous due to a film “The Beach” was recently closed to make much needed repairs and respite to the ecosystem that was adversely affect-ed by the huge number of tourist arrival.


Borocay  Beach  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful beaches in the Philippines. The Travel+Leisure  honoured  the  beach  as  the  best  beach  in  2012.  As  tourist  arrival  went over 2 million, weak management and irresponsible acts of tourists themselves degraded the environment. The beauty of the  beach  was  damaged  by  littering  re-sulting in travel to the beach restricted for six months to repair the damages caused effecting those relying on tourists to face hardships. Philippines government is now reducing airline flights to this destination, perform educative programmes to ensure tourists to be responsible and put up more garbage bins.


In the same way tourists arrival was increasing in the Republic of Korea year by  year.  Tourist  arrival  hit  13  million  in  2017 and overtourism occurred in Bukchon Hanok Village. Bukchon is a peaceful and tranquil village where houses were tradi-tional  Korean  style  houses.  Visitors  put  on  Korean  traditional  costumes,  wonder  around traditional houses and observe the traditional  culture  and  custom  of  Korea.  This attracts many visitors and local people at first accepted the visits. But as more and more  visitors  came,  locals  start  erecting  signboards  saying  “Tourists,  go  home”  and  “Your  tourism  kills  my  neighbours”  as the tourists were affecting the freedom of locals, increasing prices of lands, rental charges  not  to  mention  noisy,  nosy  and  undisciplined guests destroying the tranquillity of the area.


Now, the Korean government is implementing programme for the convenient of both the locals and tourists by limiting number of  tourist  arrivals  to  the  village,  appointment  of  volunteers  to  hush  noisy  tourists  and  putting  up “Silence Here” notice boards.




How to control overtourism

According to United Nations World  Tourism  Organization,  numbers  of  international  tour-ists reached 1.4 billion in 2018 and is  expected  to  reach  1.8  billion  in  2030.  Tourism  industry  is  the  third  largest  export  service  of  the world creating 10.4 per cent of global Gross Domestic Products directly and indirectly. Countries strive to develop tourism industry because  it  creates  employment  and develops the country’s econ-omy. So these countries try to en-courage more and more visitors but some countries are starting to come to face with overtourism. UNWTO  therefore  has  adopted  and implementing tactics to solve the problem of overtourism and recommended the following.

1.    Search  new  tourist  desti-nations,  offer  new  package  tours and enhance the visits

Large number of travellers to a destination with limited ser-vices available causes overtour-ism. Visitors to these destinations can be reduced by searching new and alternative destinations, in-forming and enhancing visits of travellers to these new destina-tions and beefing up the manage-ment of the destinations.


2.    Reviewing situations, rules and laws of tourism industry

Government  need  to  review  the visiting time and set acceptable number of tourists to the main destination  where  overtourism  was  occurring and enact effective rules and  laws  to  reduce  the  impact  of  overtourism. For example, a total of 1.4 million international tourists visit  Machu  Picchu,  a  UNESCO  recognized  ancient  cultural  site  in Peru in 2016. As from July 2017 Peru launched a system for tourist to book visits to visit the site either on a morning session 6 a.m. to 12 noon or afternoon session 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. via designated routes and  prevented  overcrowding  or  overtourism.


3.    Informing local people on benefit  of  tourism  industry  and authorities cooperating with the local people

Key  player  for  success  in  tourism industry are local people. Their keenness in tourism servic-es, heartfelt welcome of tourists and  clarifying  dos  and  donts  to  travellers directly relates to the development of tourism industry in the region. As such local people must be informed of the benefit of the tourism industry and partici-pate in the tourism management. Authorities on the other hand are to  carry  out  appropriate  moves  in line with the wishes of the locals to beef up participation and cooperation of local people in the tourism industry.


Tourism industry in Myanmar


Myanmar  is  full  of  cultural  heritages  and  natural  environ-ment, Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan and Inlay were the regions that receive  the  highest  numbers  of  international tourists. Myanmar has  been  practising  open  door  economic system since 2012 and tourist  arrival  had  been  rising.  Although 3.55 million internation-al  visitors  visited  Myanmar  in  2018, this was comparatively low-er than neighbouring countries. Ministry  of  Hotels  and  Tourism  is striving toward increasing the number  of  visitors  through  ap-pointment of tour ambassadors, promote tourism services in My-anmar through digital marketing and  social  media  such  as  Face-book, Twitter and Instagram. The government  was  also  allowing  visa exemption to citizens of Ja-pan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Macao  starting  from  1  October  2018 to encourage more visitors.


According to Myanmar Tour-ism Rules enacted on 17 Septem-ber  2018,  regional  tourism  work  committees led by relevant State/Region  Chief  Ministers  were  to  take  up  more  responsibilities  to  manage  tour  destinations  and  supervise  businesses  related  to  tourism industry. These work com-mittees  observe  the  actual  situa-tion  and  tourism  services  at  the  existing destinations and create op-portunities for local people to enjoy the  fruits  of  the  tourism  industry  while  managing  as  necessary  to  ensure a sustainable tourism ser-vices that’ll serve the interest of the people and not cause undesirables such as overtourism.


All in all, it needs to make the utmost efforts for the emergence of a sustainable tourism industry. Take lesson from experiences of countries that had faced the bad impacts of overtourism and cre-ate opportunities for locals while offering  pleasant  and  enjoyable  visits for visitors. We all need to join hand to ensure a sustainable tourism  according  to  the  mot-to  “Let’s  joint  to  develop  State  tourism industry in the long run.”


Hnin Lei (Tourism)
Translated by Than Tun AungReference


UNWTO e-library (2018), “Over-tourism-Understanding  and  Managing   Urban   Tourism   Growth beyond Perceptions”Reuters (2018), “Overtourism: Phil-ippines restricts visits to tourist is-land Borocay,” Times of ManilaDa-min, Jung and Min-ho, Jung (2018), “Bukchon residents pro-tect excessive tourism,” The Ko-rea Times.