Nay Pyi Taw pagodas overflow with visitors on Tazaungmone Full Moon Day

Of 12 months in Myanmar, Tazaungmone is a significant month for the Buddhists, and they keep the sabbath, recite Pathan and Paritta, donate Kathina robes, celebrate Kathi­na donation ceremonies and make good deeds on that day.


The pagodas and monas­teries in Nay Pyi Taw Council Area were also crowded with devotees on the full moon day of Tazaungmone.


In the morning, the 15th Tazaungdine Golden Lotus Robe donation ceremony was held at the Uppatasanti Pagoda in Nay Pyi Taw.


It was attended by Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture U Tin Oo Lwin, Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman U Than Tun Oo and other rele­vant officials.


The Union minister and party took Nine Precepts from Ovadacariya of Pagoda Presid­ing Sayadaw of Inntha East Monastery and donated offer­tories to Sayadaws.


Moreover, the pagodas in Nay Pyi Taw Council Area were also crowded with pilgrims, locals and families of govern­ment employees.


Similarly, the white-el­ephant camp, religious item stalls and souvenir shops were also crowded with visitors.


Moreover, streets and roads were packed with peo­ple celebrating the Kathina ceremony, charity fair and the shopping centres and places of recreation were also packed with visitors.


The well-known DJ music and the band also entertained visitors at the night market festival of Nay Pyi Taw Water Fountain Park.


People offered 9,000 oil lamps to the Uppatasanti Pa­goda in the evening, and also Mezali (Cassia siamea) salad and Pantthaku (kind of discard­ing cash or materials).


The traffic police and se­curity members also provided security measures for the peo­ple. — Lu Lin Nge/KTZH