NCPNC meets officials from registered political parties

A meeting between the Nation­al Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee and representatives from registered political parties was held yes­terday morning at the Nation­al Solidarity and Peacemaking Centre in Nay Pyi Taw.


The meeting was attended by Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, who is also the Chairman of the National Solidarity and Peace­making Negotiation Committee, and its members, chairpersons, vice-chairpersons, and officials from registered political par­ties.



At the meeting, Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung discussed holding the meeting with the previous group of political parties, seek­ing positive suggestions from political parties, future process­es, the vital role of political par­ties in the peace processes, the implementation of the peace processes, negotiations for the amendment of essential sec­tions of the Constitution and plans.


Afterwards, NCPNC mem­ber Lt-Gen Win Bo Shein ex­plained joint agreements on peace and development nego­tiated with ethnic armed organ­izations and amendments to the Constitution (2008).


Attendees also discussed necessary measures for coop­eration in forging peace and stability of the nation, formation of the group of political parties, amendment to essential pro­visions of the Constitution, at­titudes and suggestions over the role of Hluttaw. NCPNC Secretary Lt-Gen Min Naing reviewed discussions, and the NSPNC chairman gave a con­cluding remark. — MNA/TS