New diploma courses in nursing and midwifery announced

Three-year courses for nurs­ing for the midwifery diploma and two-year courses for the comprehensive midwifery di­ploma will be opened, as stated by the Department of Human Resources for Health.


These courses will be opened at the Department of Hu­man Resources for Health and Nursing and midwifery training schools for the 2025 academic year, and those who want to at­tend the course must meet the requirements and must take the entrance exam covering Myan­mar, English and Math.


Applications can be obtained on the website the Ministry of Health and the Department of Human Resources for Health. After filling out the information completely, interested persons must attach the necessary doc­uments and apply to the Depart­ment of Public Health in the var­ious states and regions where the university matriculation examination centre is located, no later than 16 August.


If the trainees miss class time, do not go up to the end, or violate the course rules, they will have to pay a fine of eight hun­dred thousand kyats for nursing and midwifery diploma courses and K300,000 (or as fixed from time to time) compensation for comprehensive midwifery diplo­ma course.


The list of candidates for the course will be announced on 29 November at the Department of Human Resources for Health and the Department of Public Health in Nay Pyi Taw, as well as the relevant states and re­gions and the relevant training institutes.


Those who are allowed to attend must report within two weeks after the opening of the course, and if they miss, they will be cancelled from the list, as stated by the Department of Human Resources for Health. — TWA/KZL