New School Building donated in Chaung-U Tsp.

Chaung-U 20 June


A ceremony to hand over a new school building to No.2 Affiliated High School of Nattine Monastic Education was held at the precinct of the school on 19 June.




The new school building was donated by Janaka Liyanage in Sri Lanka and Jennifer Chan Family in United States of America and the construction.


The new building was formally opened by Sagaing Shwesama Monastery Presiding Sayadaw, Mandalay Paung-Daw-Oo Monastic Education High School Presiding Sayadaw, Chaung-U Dhamma-yone Monastery Presiding Sayadaw, MP of Chaung-U Township Pyithaw Hluttaw, MP of regional Hluttaw, Mr. Robert from Jennifer Chan Family and an official from Regional Education Office. Next, Presiding Sayadaw of No.2 Affiliated High School of Nattine Monastic Education pressed the button to open the school signboard.




On the occasion, Presiding Sayadaw of Sagaing Shwesama Monastery and Presiding Sayadaw of No.2 Affiliated High School of Nattine Monastic Education gave remarks and MPs of Hluttaw also gave remarks. Next, Mr. Robert clarified the purpose of the provision and a volunteer and a member of the school development committee spoke words of thanks.


The newly constructed school building which is 90 ft in length, 30 ft in width and 12 ft in height was built at an estimated cost of K 50 million.


Ei Ei Aung (Chang-U)

Translated by Suyee