New venomous Pit Viper species discovered in Myanmar’s Ayeyawady delta

December 21


Researchers have identified a new species of pit viper exclusive to Myanmar in the Yangon and Ayeyawady regions, as reported by the Native Species Conservation and Identification in Myanmar.


Named the Ayeyawady Pit Viper (Trimeresurus ayeyarwadyensis sp nov), the species is recognized for its unique presence in the Ayeyawady delta. Ching Christian, representing the Herpetological Society of Singapore and specializing in the Ayeyawady Pit Viper, noted, “T ayeyarwadyensis is native to the delta region between the rivers of Pathein and Yangon. We discovered it in late 2023. It’s venomous.”


In addition to this newly identified species, scientists have also found another endemic variety named Trimeresurus uetzi in central regions of the country this year.


The NSCI, comprised of local and international researchers studying Myanmar’s biodiversity, is actively involved in species classification, sharing conservation knowledge, and producing articles to dispel long-established myths about flora and fauna. — ASH/NT