News release on COVID-19 virus at 8:00 pm on 9 March: MoHS

10 March

1. The Ministry of Health and Sports is closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and spread in China and 101 countries around the world at the international gateways, at the community-based and public hospitals-based as well as in cooperation with the private hospitals.

2. In this regard,

(a) A one-year-two-month-old boy, who is residing in Myothit Township, Magway Region, suffered a fever, abnormal breathing, and inability of drinking milk on 6 March. So his family sent him to Magway General Hospital on 8 March. He is now put in a quarantined ward, with his mother. The laboratory test is also underway. His father has reportedly arrived in Myanmar from China on 29 February 2020.

(b) A 32-year-old woman, who is residing in Aungmyethazan Township, Mandalay Region. She has suffered a fever, cough, and shortness of breath since a month ago. Her cough produced blood two weeks ago. So she went to the Mandalay General Hospital. Although she had no close contact with the suspected patients and no background history of travelling to infectious regions during the last 14 days, owing to severe respiratory symptoms, she is now under treatment at the quarantined ward. The laboratory test is underway.

(c) A 44-year-old male from Nyaungthonepin village, Htantabin township in Yangon Region, has suffered a fever, cough, sore throat, and shortness of breath since 8 March. He went to the Yangon General Hospital on that same day. Although he had no close contact with the suspected patients and no background history of travelling to infectious regions during the last 14 days, owing to severe respiratory symptoms he was put under quarantine. He was laboratory-tested negative for COVID-19 on 9 March.

(d) A 34-year-old pregnant woman, who is residing in Bago, Bago Region, arrived back in Myanmar from Malaysia on 9 March. She has suffered a fever since 8 March. When she was screened at the Yangon International Airport she was found to have a fever on 9 March. She was referred to the Waibargi Specialist Hospital. She is now under quarantine for a further laboratory test.

(e) A 43-year-old man, who is residing in Kyauktaga township in Bago Region, has suffered a fever and cough for the last three weeks. He went to Kyauktaga Township Hospital. He is now put under quarantine and laboratory test is underway. He has reportedly arrived in Myanmar from Thailand on 26 February and had no severe respiratory problems.

(f) A 39-year-old male, who is living in Pauk Township, Magway Region, started suffering a fever and cough since 8 March. He went to the Pakokku General Hospital. He was put under quarantine on 9 March. Laboratory test is underway. He was reportedly working at the Thailand-Malaysia border and arrived back to Pakokku through Myawady checkpoint, on 8 March.

(g) A 23-year-old man, who is residing in Pindaya Township, Shan State (South), arrived back to Pindaya through Muse checkpoint on 9 March. He had a fever and went to the Pindaya General Hospital. He is now under quarantine and treatment for a further laboratory test.

3. According to the laboratory results from the National Health Laboratory:

(a) A 26-year-old American man, who is under quarantine and treatment at the Waibargi Specialist Hospital …

(b) An 18-year-old female, who has been studying in Bangkok and is under quarantine and treatment at the Hpa-an Township Hospital …

(c) A 25-year-old male doctor, who is under quarantine and treatment at the Kandawnadi Hospital …

(d) A 24-year-old pregnant female, who is under quarantine and treatment at the Insein General Hospital …

(e) A 52-year-old Korean man, who is under quarantine and treatment at the Waibargi Specialist Hospital …

(f) A 38-year-old female, who is under quarantine and treatment at the Kandawnadi Hospital …

(g) A 44-year-old male, who is under quarantine and treatment at the Yangon General Hospital …

A total of 7, they all have tested negative for the COVID-19.

4. Eleven (11) patients are now under quarantine and treatment at respective hospitals as of 9 March at 6:00 pm.

5. Two Myanmar citizens were on board the flight from South Korea and arrived in Myanmar on 8 March. They have been found to have no fever and any other severe respiratory symptoms as well as no close contact with the laboratory-tested-positive patients. However, they came back from Degu in South Korea where there are many cases of infectious virus COVID-19 and are put under hospital quarantine at the South Okkalapa Women and Children Hospital for 14 days.

6. Even though there are no laboratory-test-confirmed cases in Myanmar as of 9 March, control and prevention measures are being undertaken with maximized momentum. Owing to the soaring outbreak and spread of COVID-19 virus in China and 101 countries around the world, the public is instructed to strictly follow the MoHS’s health information guidelines. —MoHS (Translated by Aungthu Ya)