News release on death of Covid-19 positive patient Case 05

The death of Covid-19 positive patient Case 05 was traced back as follows:

1. A 69-year-old man living in Mingalar Taungnyunt Township in Yangon Region was diagnosed with nasal cancer in January 2019. He had been undergoing treatment with radiation therapy for this disease until May 2019 in Australia.

2. He went again to Australia for follow-up medical check in February 2020. He arrived to Singapore from Australia in March 2020 before he came back to Myanmar by flight on 14 March.

3. He began suffering fever, cough and sore throat on 18 March, and was admitted to the Yangon People’s Hospital on 25 March. He was undergone treatment at the intensive care unit of the hospital and his specimens was tested positive at the National Health Laboratory in Yangon on 26 March. The case was announced as the positive (Case 05) on 27 March. He was transferred to Waibargi hospital on that morning for intensive care.

4. His conditions became severe on 31 March morning despite the treatments of medical team led by senior doctors, and died at 7:25 am. The causes of his death were concluded as follows:

(1) acute respiratory distress syndrome with septic shock

(2) Covid-19 with severe community acquired pneumonia

(3) underlying CA nose with radio therapy.


5. According to the WHO’s report on 19 March, 40 per cent of Covid-19 positive patients are found with no severe infection, 40 per cent with moderate severe infection, 15 per cent with severe infection and only 5 per cent with critical infection.

6. The rate of death among confirmed cases is 5 per cent, WHO report said.

7. Risk factors for severe disease and death in Covid-19 include older age, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, liver, chronic diseases such as renal problem, taking steroids medicines and low immune system

8. Therefore, the Case 05 suffered severe infection Covid-19 to die due to old age, cancer and low immune system caused by radio therapy. 


(Translated by Aung Khin)