N.Korea: Kim sends message to S.Africa's president

28 April

North Korea's ruling party newspaper has published a letter from Kim Jong Un amid rumors over the leader's disappearance from public life in recent days.

The newspaper reported on Tuesday that Kim sent a letter to the president of South Africa to mark the country's national holiday.

In the letter, Kim said that he believes relations between the two countries "would steadily grow stronger."

The country's media have reported similar stories three days in a row, including a letter thanking workers building a tourist resort in Wonsan.

Kim's health condition came under the spotlight last week when CNN reported he was in "grave danger" after undergoing surgery.

But the South Korean government says nothing unusual is happening in the North, and that Kim is "alive and well."

In Washington, US President Donald Trump also dismissed speculation over Kim's condition saying, "I hope he is fine. You'll probably be hearing in the not too distant future."

The two leaders last met in June 2019 in an historic summit at the inter-Korean Demilitarized Zone.