No stone unturned in combatting challenges ahead in fighting COVID-19

22 July

We have witnessed our achievements in containing the COVID-19, to date.

In our country, 341 people have been infected with the disease to date, along with six dead and 266 who have been discharged from hospitals after they recovered from the infection.

In comparison, the situation in our country is not as severe as the situation faced by other countries.

However, quarantine still needs to be an essential part of our battle with COVID-19 because those who returned from foreign countries may be infected with the coronavirus.

The return of migrant workers during the spreading of the Coronavirus in our country is one of many challenges we are facing today. The regulations to prevent the possible spread of Coronavirus are already in place, and the returnees are still required to abide by these necessary 14-day stay at home quarantine or facility quarantine orders to protect public health.

Meanwhile, volunteers are facing language barriers in some ethnic areas, challenges in transporting food and water, as well as difficulties in transporting swabs to laboratories due to poor transportation in some areas, especially in hilly regions, including Chin State. There are also shortages of fuel and food assistance for those who are quarantined.

To make the fight to stop the spread of Covid-19 effective, enforcement should be tightened among those who return illegally to the homeland through waterways, even as the authorities are focusing on those who return officially through border gates.

The government is obliged to fulfill the needs of our frontline volunteers who are staying within quarantine centres and have helped the government in preparing quarantine centres at risk of coronavirus infection.

Life in a quarantine centre is tough. The volunteers require help for their safety and effective work.

Despite such challenges, we are confident that the participation, understanding and support of our people can overcome all obstacles.

No doubt, we have been successful, thus far, thanks to the public’s participation and awareness. Again, this is credited to the crucial role of public participation in preventing and containing the global pandemic.

Our country is not rich. But, the government would leave no stone unturned in fighting the disease and in helping our frontline volunteers and providing treatment to all suspected patients, whether the infection is severe or not, with the use of all possible resources to overcome outbreaks of the disease.

Hence, we would like to urge our people to remain farsighted, determined, diligent and unified.