Novel Volume (4,5,6) of Hundred Myanmar Classic Book Series introduced in Yangon

29 December

Novel Volume (4,5,6) of the Hundred Myanmar Classic Book Series compiled and published by Sarpay Beikman of Printing and Publishing Department of the Ministry of Information were introduced at Sky Star Hotel in Yangon at 6 pm yesterday.

Union Minister for Information Dr. Pe Myint gave a keynote address on the occasion.

Vice Chairman of the Committee to Publish Hundred Myanmar Classic Book Series Dr. Khin Maung Aye (Maung Khin Min-Danubyu) introduced the Novels Volume (4,5,6).

Union Minister Dr. Pe Myint then presented gifts of honour to literati who wrote the preambles of the three books and literary experts who edited them through Saya U Maw Lin (Moe Zan).

Deputy Minister for InformationU Aung Hla Tun presented royalties to Saya U Myint Oo (Maung Thint Khaing-Pyinmana), nephew and copyright inheritor Sayagyi Laeti Pandita U Maung Gyi, original compiler of “Tabinshwehti” included in Novel Volume 4, Saya U Kyi Win (Loka Amon) on behalf of the copyright inheritor of Sayagyi Shwe Setkya U Soe Myint, the original compiler of “Narkandaw” included in Novel Volume 5, and daughters of Sayagyi Zawana on behalf of the copyright inheritors of Sayagyi Zawana, original compiler of “College Kyaungtha” included in Novel Volume 6.

Permanent Secretary U Myo Myint Maung then presented royalties to Sayama Ma Waing (Gangawwutyi Literature House), member of the copyright protection committee of Sayagyi Maha Swe, the original compiler of “Doh May May” included in Novel Volume 6, and Daw Thit Thit Thaung, daughter and copyright inheritor of Savafyi Thakin Ba Thaung, original compiler of “Pantha Ma Sar Ou” included in Novel Volume 6. Also present on the occasion were Chief Minister of Yangon Region U Phyo Min Thein, Minister of Rakhine Ethnic Affairs of Yangon Region U Zaw Aye Maung, MP of Pyithu Hluttaw U Myint Lwin, heads of department, members of the Committee to Publish Hundred Myanmar Classic Book Series, literati who wrote the preambles, literary experts who edited the novels, families of the compilers of the three novels and honoured guests.

Union Minister Dr. Pe Myint hosted a dinner for all the attendees.

Volume 4 of the Hundred Myanmar Classic Book Series includes “Tabinshwehti” (1924), compiled by Sayagyi Laeti Pandita U Maung Gyi; Volume 5 includes two novels — “Narkandaw” (1932) compiled by Sayagyi Shwe Setkya U Soe Myint and “College Kyaungtha” (1937) compiled by Sayagyi Zawana; and Volume 6 includes two novels — “Doh May May” (1936) compiled by Sayagyi Maha Swe and “Pantha Ma Sar Ou” (1936)compiled by Thakin Ba Thaung.—MNA (Translated by TMT)