Officials inspect completion of rural road in Mongla Township

Mongla, 27 December

With the aim of ensuring swift flow of commodity and saving time and money, the construction work of a rural road was implemented in Mongwa (lower) Village in Mongla Township, Shan State (East).

Responsible officials from the Township Department of Rural Development inspected the completion of a rural road this morning. During the inspection tour, officials of the Township Department of Rural Development met with members of village development committee and stressed the importance of quality construction and maintenance.

The road measuring 5280 ft. long and 12 ft. wide has been constructed since the second week of July this year by a tender winning company with K 42.6 million allocated by the State Government for this fiscal year and now, all the project have been completed 100 percent. It brings benefits for 192 local people from 30 households in the village, helping them transport rural products to the markets in a timely manner.—Maung Khaing(DRD)

Translated by JT