Officials inspect construction of concrete bridge in Pwintbyu Twsp.

Pwintbyu, 14 February

With the aim of ensuring swift flow of commodity and saving time and money, the construction work of a reinforced bridge has been implemented since July 14 last year in Pwintbyu Township, Magway Region and now, all the projects have been completed 70 percent.

Officials from the Township Department of Rural Development made a field trip to inspect the construction of a reinforced concrete bridge along Lekai-Shwehla-Htanaunggon inter-village road this morning and called on responsible officials to meet the set standard within the target date.

A reinforced concrete bridge along Lekai-Shwehla-Htanaunggon inter-village road measuring 60ft. in length and 20 ft. in width is being constructed by a tender winning Company with K 196.40 million of the Union funds for 2023-2024 FY.

Upon completion, it will benefit rural people, helping them transport rural products to the markets in a timely manner, according to an official from the Township Department of Rural Development.—Hlaing Win Lay(Pwintbyu Mye)

Translated by JT