Officials make inspection visit to road construction site in Zalun Tsp

Zalun, May 14

Officials from Zalun Township Rural Development Department arrived on the site of an earthen road construction site in Yin Tait Gone village, Sone Gone village-tract in Zalun Township, Ayeyarwady region this morning.

The road which is 2.5 miles long and 14 feet wide is being built with the funds of the township RDD. The construction works include three Box Culvert, each box culvert measuring 20 x 5 x 6 ft..

The road is being constructed by Maha Shwe Minthargyi company which won the tender to build the road using K 63 million earmarked for the construction project. The road will expedite the flow of commodity, benefiting a total population of 2742 in the village-tract, when completed.—Wai Yan (Zalun IPRD)

Translated by Aung Zaw Lin