Officials provide relief items to IDPs in Namtu Twsp.

Namtu, 17 December


Officials from the Township Department of Disaster Management under Ministry of Social Welfare Relief and Resettlement provided relief supplies to the Internal Displaced People who are taking shelter at three IDP camps at Myole Dhamayone in Namtu Township, Kyaukme District in Shan State(North) yesterday.


At the event, the Township Administrator U Win Min Tun, Secretary of the township IDP camp management committee U Aung San Myint and staff officer of the Township Department of Disaster Management Daw Kade Oo jointly handed over foodstuff such as rice, cooking oil, salt, condensed milk tin and chick-pea to 549 people from 120 households in three IDP camps in the Township.


In addition, officials also provided foodstuff such as rice, cooking oil, salt and gram to 300 family members who are taking shelter in Myoma Catholic IDP camp in Mangtung Township and Kachin IDP camp.—Lu Maw(IPRD)
Tranlated by JT