Offspring of staff of Advocate General’s office provided with cash assistance in Magway

Magway, 6 June

A ceremony to provide cash assistance to offspring of staff of the Region Advocate General’s office, the District and Township law officers and staff was held at the meeting hall of the Region Advocate-General’s office in the town of Magway, Magway Region this morning.

During the ceremony, the Magway Region Advocate General U Tint Wei delivered a speech and clarified the purposes of the provision of cash assistance for offspring of staff of the Region Advocate General’s office, the District and Township law officers and staff.

Under this cash aid program, 30 students including four students who are studying at high schools received K.50000 each, and six students who are studying at middle schools, 11 students who are studying at primary schools and six Kg students received K. 20000 each respectively.—Aung Ko (PhankhaMye)

Translated by JT