Oil refineries need soonest operation for fulfilling domestic energy requirement

An emphasis must be ini­tially placed on operating No 1 Oil Refinery (Than­lyin) as usual with more plan to upgrade it, said Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.


In his inspection tour of the oil refinery in Thanlyin of Yan­gon Region yesterday afternoon, Chairman of the State Adminis­tration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing stressed the need to consider a cost for importing fuel for do­mestic energy requirement and another cost in operating refiner­ies of the country at full capacity for fulfilling domestic energy re­quirements.


He urged officials to soonest implement the operation of oil refineries which can contribute to meeting the domestic energy demand successfully.


During his visit, the Senior General asked about necessary procedures to re-operate the re­finery and other requirements.


Union Minister for Energy U Ko Ko Lwin and Managing Direc­tor U Aung Myint of Myanma Pet­rochemical Enterprise reported on facts about No 1 Oil Refinery (Thanlyin), arrangements for en­suring energy sufficiency of the nation based on establishment of energy resources, production of oil from refineries at home, upgrading of factories and avail­ability of raw materials.


The Senior General and par­ty inspected No 1 Oil Refinery (Thanlyin), Oil refinery (B), Lubri­cant Factory and LNG tank, and the Senior General instructed officials to strive for soonest op­erating the refineries to supply fuel requirement of the nation on one hand.


The Senior General was accompanied by Council Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, council members General Mya Tun Oo and Lt-Gen Nyo Saw, Un­ion ministers, the Yangon Region Chief Minister and senior military officers. — MNA/TTA