One dead, 9 injured after car overturns in Indawgyi

Mohnyin, 15 June

One person was killed and nine others injured after a Hi-jet car overturned in Mohnyin Township, Kachin State on 10 June, the Ministry of Home Affairs reported.

The fatal accident occurred at about 12 noon on 10 June when a Hi-jet with 10 people onboard flipped over near the office of the township administrator in Indawgyi Town, Kachin State after crashing into a billboard. A woman identified as Daw Mya Mya Win was pronounced dead on the spot and the remaining people were hurt slightly in the incident.

In connection with the case, the driver named Sai Soe, 29, from Namti Town has been taken action over reckless driving by the local police.

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe