Onions prices in up K350 per viss Kyaukpadaung



The price of onions from Kyaukpadaung Township climbed by K350 per viss (1.6 kilograms) during the Thadingyut festival, said U Myint Cho, the owner of Chogyi onion depot.


“Nearly all local farmers from villages near Kyat Mauk Taung dam, Kyaukpaduang Township grow onions. The main produce of the year is onion in Kyaukpaduang Township. Local farmers from the villages make several donations and hold ceremonies as they earn handsome profits from onions,” said U Nay Myo Tun, a local onion farmer from Moak Gone village.

Onions take about one year to grow. They are usually planted in November and harvested in April. Local farmers prefer to sell the onions as soon as they are harvested, if the price is high enough to earn them a handsome profit. Although the price of onions usually increases in September and October, it is often higher in the month of October. So, onion sellers store onions and sell them in October.

At present, new onions are selling for just K600 per viss. The price of onions increased to K700 per viss in September and K1,000 in October, an increase of K300 within a month, according to the Chogyi onion depot.


Ko Htein (Ngathatyout) (Translated by Hay Mar)