Outstanding matriculation students honored in Taungyi

Taungyi, 31 August

A ceremony to honor outstanding students in 2018 2019 Academic year was held at Pyinnya Alinka hall of B.E.H.S-2 in Taungyi, Shan State(South) this  morning.

First of all, Grade-1 and Grade-4 students from B.E.H.S-2 performed an opening song. Then, officials from the state Education officer’s Office, B.E.H.S-2 and Parents-Teacher Association delivered speeches respectively. This was followed by the presentation of awards and certificates of honor to outstanding students in 2018-2019 Academic year.

Also present on the occasion were officials from the State Education officer’s Office, the District Education officer’s Office, the Township Educations officer’s Office, teachers, students and parents of the students, it is learnt.-Sai Than Kyaw (Taungyi)

Translated by JT


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