Outstanding matriculation students honored in Yae-Kyi

Ngapudaw 24 July

A ceremony to honor outstanding students who passed 2019 matriculation examination was held at Tayza hall of B.E.H.S in Yae-Kyi, Pathein District, Ayeyawady Region yesterday.

At the event, the region Hluttaw representative U Myo Nyunt and an official from the Township Education Office delivered speeches. Next, Daw San, headmistress of Yae-Kyi B.E.H.S spoke words of thanks to teachers who taught the students to pass with distinctions and students who passed the exam with high mark.

Afterwards, U Khin Maung Tun, member of school development committee spoke words of thanks to the students and teachers and called on matriculation students to continue to try for their examination in 2019-2020 Academic year.

This was followed by the presentation of awards and certificate of honor to outstanding students by the region Hluttaw Representative U Myo Nyunt and Headmistress Daw San.—Aung Thu Han, IPRD
Translated by JT