Over 140,000 unemployed in coronavirus pandemic crisis

With the suspension or withdrawal of more than 5,700 factories, workplaces and restaurants, more than 140,000 people have become unemployed during coronavirus period, said Deputy Minister U Myint Kyaing of the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population.

Moreover, over 250 big factories and workplaces are also shut down, he said at the press briefing on the government’s fourth-year performances held at the Ministry of Information in Nay Pyi Taw on 26 June. “During the coronavirus period, more than 100,000 overseas workers came back to Myanmar. A total of 5,658 factories, workplaces and restaurants were closed including over 250 large factories and workplaces. The suspension, withdrawal and closure of the factories and workplaces have rendered over 140,000 people unemployed,” he stated. “If we add over 100,000 workers who are coming back from abroad to the list of the unemployed, there will be over 200,000 people unemployed during this period,” U Myo Aung, the permanent secretary for the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population.

During the pandemic period, the ministry took legal action in respect of 25 cases concerning the factories and workplaces for disobedience of government instructions, he added. Additionally, those workers who have come back from abroad are getting registered in the related regional labour offices to seek a job, said the deputy minister.

From March to June during the pandemic period, more than 110,000 repatriates came back from Thailand, Korea, Japan and China. —Aye Maung 


(Translated by Hay Mar)