Over 170-year-old upside-down star flower tree conserved in Pyapon Township for visitors

In Pyapon Township of Ayeyawady Region, the Maha Ponnyara­ma Minkyaung Monastery, built in the mid-Konbaung era, and an upside-down star-flower tree, which is said to be the only one in the whole Myanmar, have been conserved, according to the Maha Ponnyarama Minkyaung Monastery Pres­ervation Body.


The monastery was built in 1208 ME (1846 AD) during the reign of the Konbaung dynasty’s King Bagan. When the land was selected for the construction of the monas­tery and the undergrowth was cleared, branches of a star flower tree were root­ed in the ground and were found to be growing fresh. So, the officials moved it to the southeast corner of the monastery and planted them.


It is said that the ap­pearance of the star-flower tree is completely different from other trees of the same species, so it is called the up­side-down star-flower tree, and it still attracts visitors from all over the region.


“Pyapon, Minkyaung­tawgyi and upside-down star-flower tree are indistin­guishable. If you want to know more about this extraordinary upside-down star-flower tree, find it in Myanmar encyclo­pedia which contains topics starting with the first letter of the Myanmar alphabet “Kha”.


The facts about the plant are described together with the photos. Minkyaungtawgyi and upside-down star-flower tree have very interesting history.


So, we are preserving these heritages that date back more than 170 years with our utmost efforts,” said a member of the monastery preservation body.


The two-storey monas­tery is 200 feet long and 100 feet wide and has 22 big teak pillars with two internal stairs leading to the upper floor, where two balconies (south and north) exist.


In addition, the temple having 10 rooms to accommo­date studying monks is dec­orated with wood carvings and various other decorations of wood-turning art in both lower and upper floors. The structure is also installed with eight brick stairs.— ASH/TH