Over 25,000 tourists entered Myanmar via Tachilek in week ended 22 Aug

24 Aug


MYANMAR welcomed 25,676 tourists through the Tachilek border gate between 16 August and 22 August, with most visitors entering the country from Thailand, according to official data.


Tourists making a day trip from Tachilek visited the Tarlaw market, Bayintnaung statue, Maha Myat Muni Pagoda, Wankaung market, Koemyoshin spirit house, replica of Shwedagon Pagoda, Padaung village, Myanmar monasteries, and Chinese temples. The Lantaung day trips included visits to the Mailing monastery, ancient pagodas, temples, and ethnic villages.


Visitors also made night trips to well-known pagodas, temples, monasteries, markets, villages, and other destinations in Mongphyat and Kengtung townships. Additionally, some visitors flew on the Heho-Yangon-Mandalay-Lashio route.


Between 1 January and 22 August, 745,064 foreigners entered Myanmar through the Tachilek border gate, and 41,824 visitors enjoyed visa-free entry, according to the Immigration Department.


Myanmar’s natural beauty, tourist attractions, culture and lifestyles of ethnic people have drawn tourist interest, who have been entering the country through the border gates and international airports.— H&T Ministry (Translated by La Wonn)