Over 6 million students attend basic education schools in 2024-2025

Basic education schools and monastic education schools across various regions and states, including Nay Pyi Taw, have reopened their doors since 3 June. Students are reportedly attending classes peacefully and happily.


The Ministry of Educa­tion, along with relevant or­ganizations, has taken steps to ensure a smooth reopen­ing. This includes providing free textbooks and stationery for middle and high school students, as well as uniforms for kindergarten and primary schoolchildren. Additionally, classrooms have been ar­ranged, transport facilitated, and efforts have been made to improve the overall clean­liness and aesthetics of the schools.


Late enrolment remains open for students who were unable to register earlier for various reasons. As of now, reports indicate a total enrolment of 6,672,329 stu­dents, with 6,414,799 current­ly attending classes. — MNA/ MKKS