Over 6 mln students enrolled for 2024-2025 academic year as of 2 June

Since the school enrolment week for the 2024-2025 academic year began admitting student enrolment, a total of 6,394,528 stu­dents have enrolled as of 2 June, at basic education schools, private schools, and monastic education schools across states and regions. More students are expected to enroll at their respective schools.


During the school enrolment week, headmasters, headmis­tresses, school administrators, and teachers provide friendly and warm services to parents, guard­ians, and students. The Ministry of Education offers textbooks, notebooks and stationeries free of charge to all students. Additionally, the ministry provides free school uniforms for primary students. Furthermore, students who are late in enrolling for various rea­sons are also being accepted for enrolment. — MNA/TMT