Pa-O land with true natural beauties (Part 2)

11 November


Kaungdaw natural cave

Kaungdaw natural cave with a statue of a hunter known as Kaungdaw was really beautiful. Much thanks was owed to the locals and the head monk of a local monastery for maintaining the nature. We actually went quite deep into the cave hoping to reach the end but didn’t dare to go any further beyond the point where electric lights were lit. The sight inside the cave was great with overhanging speloethems or cave formations but as we went deeper, there were waters on the ground so we beat a hasty retreat back to the mouth of the cave.


Taung Hti Bwar Cave and Wingabar Mountain

Wingabar Mountain was 3.5 miles (5.7 kilometre) from Pinlaung near the village of Taung Hti Bwar. The cave at Wingabar Mountain known as Yar Za Cave or Hti Bwar Cave was long with many paths making it confusing for some visitors to find the way in or out. This makes the visit to the cave an exciting one. Most visitors can figure their way in or out so don’t be too concerned about getting lost but you may choose to go along with some locals too.




Orange farm

Oranges from Pinlaung were good. Even though we went at a time when it was not available, we visited an orange farm. During winter time, the orange tree will be full of oranges. A visit to an orange farm is one you must make if you ever made it to Pinlaung whether there are oranges or not.

Villages producing Pa-O traditional wicker ware

Villages producing Pa-O traditional wicker ware are must-visit places for any visitors, local or foreigner. Buying one as a souvenir would be better still as all were within the range of K 1,000 to 5,000. Ask a local guide to show you around. The guide will show you right into the homes where the wicker wares were produced. You will not only see first-hand how the wicker wares were produced but also how the locals live.

Pa-O lacquer ware

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Pa-O had lacquer ware. Even though this practice was becoming close to extinction, it would be great if the locals continue to produce this useful handicrafts that at the least would be a very attractive souvenir for any visitors be they locals or foreigners.


Footprint of King Kyansittha

Ask a local guide to show you where a footprint said to be of King Kyansittha was. There were two footprints of the great King Kyansittha of Bagan at some distance from one another near Pinlaung.


Many more places of interests

There were many more places of interests near Pinlaung like Sin Hsin Waterfall, Aye Chan Myay Resort, Haa Waterfall, Ywet Pone Thi (Pa-O) Coffee factory, Balu Chaung water hole and cave, Shan paper making works, Pa-O traditional light festival, Rain Calling Festival where locally produced rockets were fired to induce rain, Laneli Bridge and Nant Mon Waterfalls.


Use local guides to see all places of interests

In Myanmar, we used to say that if we ask we can reach any village and the same goes with any places too. But if you don’t know what was there to see or visit, you wouldn’t be able to ask and visit it. So it is best to get in touch with a local guide and work out in advance what can be seen or visited. Find out what can be seen and where to go and then decide what to see and where to go. On my part, I contacted a local guide and arranged my trip to Pinlaung and its neighbourhood. May all have a happy visit to Pinlaung and nearby places.


By Thiha (the Traveller)
Translated by Handytips