Paper on four ages of Myanmar history compiled

According to Dr Tun Tun Oo, the director of the Department of Archae­ology and National Museum (Nay Pyi Taw), the papers on records starting from the Pyu era to the present are being documented to know the true history of Myanmar and the documentation of the Bagan, Sagaing, Inwa and Nyaungyan eras have finished.


The ministry collaborated with freelance specialists and governmental experts from the Department of Archae­ ology and National Museum and the My­anmar history team. They referenced archaeological findings and literary evidence.


Dr Tun Tun Oo said, “The Pyu era is still being written, but the works of the Bagan era, Sagaing era, Inwa era and Naungyan era have finished.


Referencing Myanmar’s history is challenging due to the limited avail­ability of local historical texts, which predominantly consist of chronicles by ancient historians and a handful of works by local experts. Foreign experts’ writings often lead to accu­sations of misrepresentation in My­anmar’s historical narratives.


The ministry works with external experts based on literary evidence, field research reports, excavation fac­tors, and stone letters to write such kind of documentation.


The documentation aims to be able to know the true Myanmar His­tory, to have the union spirit and pat­riotism and to maintain own history by knowing the cultural and historical events according to the eras. There will be a comparison of the genetics of the Pyu people who had passed through the time of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age with the genetics of present people. — Htun Htun/ASH/NT/TRKM