Participation is necessary to bring about reform

Myanmar is a Union that is transitioning into a democracy. All ethnic nationals are hoping for a democratic federal Union, an amalgamation of the principles of a Union and a democracy, to be established in the country.


During his meeting with the three pillars of democracy in Chin State on 21 February, President U Win Myint highlighted the objectives, spirit, and duties associated with a democratic federal Union.


There is freedom, equality, and fairness in a democracy. It provides security and opportunity for happiness and prosperity to the citizens of a nation. Federalism also guarantees similar values. All citizens must work together to ensure equal rights, federal rights, democratic rights, justice, freedom, and equality across the country.


The main responsibility for ensuring the emergence of a system that promotes these values and principles falls on the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. The President urged the administrative sector to set up an administration that expands the rule of law, and to drive the administrative mechanism to provide mental and physical security, and prosperity to the people. He said the administration must not be oppressive, as that is one of the objectives of a democratic federal Union.


To establish a democratic federal Union, all those assigned responsibilities relevant to the cause must develop the conviction that we all need to work in unity. Unity cannot be achieved by a single organization or entity. It requires that all of us participate in the reform process. The government, the Hluttaw, and the organizational departments must all stride uniformly on the path to reform. To bring about real change, citizens must also revise their mental attitudes and convictions.


We are taking the first steps towards a democratic transition, from an old political system to a modern one. There are some people who are worried about the reforms initiated across the country. Reform is not an enemy; it is a well-meaning friend. The President has been constantly reminding government departments that the time is ripe now for all Myanmar citizens to exploit the right opportunities.


We urge everyone to cooperate in implementing reforms as they are necessary for establishing a democratic federal Union that will bring uniform development to every state and region of our country.