Passenger bus crash claims 7 dead, 12 injured in Pinlebu Township

Pinlebu, 6 February

At least seven people were allegedly killed and twelve others injured after a passenger bus overturned in Pinlebu Township, Sagaing Region.

The fatal accident took place at a location between Mongtone Targyi and Mongtone Tarlay Villages in Pinlebu Township at about 5 p.m. on 5 February. The passenger bus carrying 21 pilgrims driven by a man named Maung Htay from Mawhai Village returned from Mt. Zalon, a popular Buddhist holy site in Bamauk Township.

The vehicle plunged into a ravine beside the road after the driver lost control of the car. Seven people were pronounced dead on the spot and twelve others sustained minor injuries in the incident. The accident is believed due to the faculty braking system of the vehicle.

The driver has been taken action over reckless driving by the local police station over the traffic accident.—Lu Aung (Katha)

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe