People in Thingangyun cast votes with COVID-19 guidelines on Election Day

Eligible voters in Thingangyun Township, Yangon Region, cast their ballots for 2020 General Election in accordance with COVID-19 guidelines yesterday.


U Aung Kyaw Myint, an election commission member of Yangonthit Ward in Thingangyun Township, said “If the eligible voters don’t have ID cards or other certified cards, it was announced yesterday that they can vote after taking a certificate from the ward administration office”.


Ko Hein Htet Zaw, a first-time voter from Independence Street in Thingangyun Township, said “I’m 21 years old. This is my first-time voting. Due to COVID-19, we have to change the masks we wear with new masks given by the officials at the entrance of polling station. Face shields were also given to those who don’t wear. Hands are washed and temperatures are checked. I, as a first-time voter, am explained about the voting processes. I’m excited at voting the first time. I’m also happy for voting for the candidate of the party I like”.


There are about 1,400 eligible voters at the Polling stations No 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Constituency 2 at No 7 basic primary school in Yangonthit Ward in Thingangyun Township.


U Khin Than Maung from Yangonthit Ward said, “I’m 57 years old. This is my second-time voting. I failed to vote in 2010. I like the arrangements for voting processes at Yangonthit Ward in Thingangyun Township. Face masks were distributed. Officials help me voting processes, but I have to vote by myself. There are a total of 184,000 eligible voters and 139 polling stations in Thingangyun Township.


Polling Station Head of Region Constituency 2 in Yangonthit Ward in Thingangyun Township Daw Mi Mi Naing said, “The compound of the polling station is busy with voters till 4 pm”.


Officials and voters said that the 2020 General Election is systematic and the public well used their voting rights this year. —Ye Gaung Nyunt


(Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun)