Plastic basket weaving course opens in Kyunhla

Kyunhla, 16 January

With the aim of boosting the income of local people and their socio-economic status, Department of Rural Development under Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation organized a vocational plastic basket weaving course at the meeting hall of the township DRD in the town of Kyunhla,  Sagaing Region this morning.

First of all, staff officer of the Township DRD U Kyaw Myint Lwin Oo gave an opening speech and called on the trainees to practically apply the lessons learned in the training to generate more incomes in their family.

The 15-day training course is being attended by 11 trainees from seven villages in the township, according to the office of the township DRD.—Myo Win Nyo, Kyunhla

Translated by JT