Police confiscates homemade guns, bullets in house raid

Hpa-an, 16 January

A local police squad seized a pistol, homemade guns and bullets in a house raid in Thamanya Village, Hpa-an Township in Kayin State, the Ministry of Home Affairs reported.

Based on an anonymous tip, a combined team raided the house of a suspect identified as Saw Kyaw Thu Aung (alias) Mote Seik, 47, from Thamanya Village in Hpa-an Township at about 1 p.m. on 14 January. Member of the joint squad discovered one double-barrel gun, one pistol, and one handmade gun in the house as well found one homemade gun in a car parked in front of the house.

The house owner is being questioned over possession of weapons by the local police station.—MOHA

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe