Police seize pistol, bullets from Muse man

Muse, 20 May

An unlicensed pistol and some bullets were confiscated from a man in Muse, a border town in Northern Shan State on 17 May.

A local police squad led by Police Sub-inspector Aung Ko Ko Latt together with eye witnesses raided the house owned by a man whereas they found two men identified as Hsan Tint Aung, 40, and Sai Sithu Soe, 24. In addition, the police discovered 2,900 electric detonators in the house. The two men confessed that the explosive devices are owned by a man from Kaunghmutone Ward in Muse.

The police rushed to the house of the suspect named Min Thein aka Hong Mo Shin and found electric detonators, one pistol and 10 bullets in the house. The house owner is being questioned over possession of explosive devices by the local police.—Salai Van Ro Thang

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe