Pompeo: China responsible for pandemic

30 April

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says China should be held accountable for the coronavirus pandemic and demanded that it provides more information.

Pompeo has been criticizing Beijing for its handling of the outbreak in China.

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, he said that this is not the first time that a virus has come out of China, and that the country has an obligation to share information with the world if it wants to be seen as a reliable partner.

He called for access to information about a virology institute in Wuhan, which US media reported could have been where the coronavirus originated.

On Fox TV on the same day, Pompeo criticized Chinese officials for failing to prevent the coronavirus from spreading around the world, saying they are responsible and that America needs to hold them accountable.

China has pushed back against past similar remarks, accusing the United States of ignoring its own failures in stemming the outbreak and trying to shift blame.