Poppy plantations eradicated in Shan State

Nay Pyi Taw, 13 January

The police destroyed acres of poppy plantations in Namhsan, Mongnai and Kunhing Townships in Shan State, according to the Ministry of Home Affairs. 

An anti-drug squad from Kholan police station destroyed almost 4 acres of poppy fields about five mile northeast of Metmunlong Village, Namhsan Township in southern Shan State on 11 January. At the same time, a police squad from the township police force eradicated around one acre of poppy plantations near Mitehai Village in Mongnai Townships, southern Shan State on the same day. The combinedforce also annihilated around five acres of poppy fields about three miles south of Saimung Village and 2.5 acres of poppy fields about two miles north of Lelsai Village in Kunhing Township.

The Myanmar Police Force has been stepping up campaigns to destroy poppy cultivation throughout the country in cooperation with people, local authorities and civil society organizations.—MOHA

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe