Preparations underway for children literature festival in Gangaw Tsp

Gangaw, January 16

With the cooperation between Information and Public Relations Department, Basic Education Department and Gangaw District Management Committee, preparations are underway for children literature festival in the town of Gangaw, Gangaw township, Magway district this morning.

The festival is to be held on 17-18 January and booths for exhibitions, competitions, games, entertainment programs and reading rooms are in preparation for the festival that will provide an opportunity for schoolchildren to participate in. During the festival, “Premier” music band will perform music to the audience.

Book shops will sell all kinds of books at a reasonable price. Besides, “Love Rays” philanthropic association will provide noodles for people coming to the festival, according to U Myat Lin, from the association.—Htin Aung Naing (IPRD)

Translated by Aung Zaw Lin