Preparatory measures for Children’s Literature Festival (Hpapun) undertaken

Hpapun 16 January


Preparatory measures for holding First Children’s Literature Festival that will be held in Hpapun District, Kayin State are being undertaken.


The children’s literature festival will be held on a grand scale at No.2 Basic Education High School in Hpapun on 18 and 19 January. The festival will be included poetry reading competition, storytelling competitions, drawing and coloring competitions and other games.


In addition, booths such as Shan traditional culture, Kayin traditional literature and culture, books exhibition and reading room for children, displays for agriculture, science and health will be included.


Furthermore, arrangements are being made to put children’s entertainment program, 3D vinyl, book shops and Satuditha program. Therefore, those who are interested can freely participate in the festival.

Kyaw Wunna (IPRD)

Translated by Suyee