President meets with locals in Leshi, Lahe townships

President U Win Myint met with Hluttaw representatives, departmental officials, heads of local tribes, town elders and civil communities in Leshi and Lahe townships in Sagaing Region yesterday. His entourage included Union Ministers Lt-Gen Ye Aung, Dr Myo Thein Gyi, Dr Myint Htwe, U Han Zaw, Nai Thet Lwin, Chief of Myanmar Police Force Police Lt-Gen Aung Win Oo and officials.



They left Nay Pyi Taw by a special military flight at 7:30 am, and arrived at Homalin Airport in Sagaing Region.

They were welcomed by Sagaing Region Chief Minister Dr Myint Naing, Regional Hluttaw Speaker U Than, Commander of Northwest Command Maj-Gen Soe Tint Naing.

The President and party took military helicopters to Leshi Township where they were welcomed by Hluttaw representatives, heads of local tribes and local ethnic people.

President U Win Myint held a meeting at the Taungzalat Hall in Leshi Township with Hluttaw representatives, departmental officials, heads of local tribes, town elders and civil communities.



During the meeting, the President called for cooperation of local people in development works together with the government.


He also advised the civil service personnel to perform their duties well with the participation of local ethnic people, Hluttaw representatives and departmental officials local development programmes.
U Chit Nyo, the town elder of Leshi, reported on local development programmes.

The President replied that the programmes are to be implemented in line with budget allocations, and to submit reports on requirements through the Region government.

The President and party then proceeded to Lahe Township by military helicopters.
He held a meeting at the Malar Taung Hall with Hluttaw representatives, departmental officials, heads of local tribes, town elders and civil communities.

At the meeting, the President explained the government’s efforts on harmonious developments of States and Regions, as well as the self-administered zones and far-flung areas as Myanmar is a Union comprising many national races who have been living on the same land since a very long period of time.



The President added he constantly supported languages, literatures, cultures and traditions of ethnic people.

He also emphasized the needs of peace and stability for the development, with the collaborative efforts of local people, including departmental officials, Hluttaw representatives and judicial staff.
He continued saying that the government has expected to set up an administrative system that can grant independence and security to all the citizens, and that can ensure rule of law for the people, and their intrinsic and basic rights.


The President said justice plays an important role in the administrative sector, and the lack of justice could lead to instability, and it is an important foundation for building democracy.

Those in the legislative pillar were also advised to develop appropriate laws with the local contexts to ensure the rights for all citizens and national people.

The judicial pillar is to follow the existing laws with fairness and justice in maintaining democracy for basic rights of citizens, the President added.

He also suggested the civil service staff to retain loyalty to the country, to abide by civil service laws, bylaws and principles as their role is very crucial for the democratic reform processes.
The President finally called for harmonious cooperation of the three estates in executive, legislature and judiciary sectors.

Chairman of Leading Body of Naga Self-Administered Zone U Kay Sai, Lahe Township Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Thet Naung, Nanyun Township Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Wan Hla, Lahe Town Elder U Chit Tin and Lahe Township Naga Literature and Culture Committee Chairman U Paung Khu presented local development programmes.

The President replied to fulfill the requirements in line with budget allocations of ministries.
The President and party then visited the Training School for Development of Nationalities Youths from Border Areas in Lahe Township, and gave instructions on study, healthy practices, avoidance of gambling and abstaining from narcotic drugs.

The President also presented cash awards to the students and staff members before he inspected the school library, dining hall and dormitory.

The President and party proceeded to the Vocational Training School of Domestic Science for Women in Lahe Township, and presented cash to the trainees and staff members.

The President and party arrived at the People’s Hospital, comforted the patients and gave them food and cash.—MNA


(Translated by Aung Khin)