Press Release on the State Visit of H.E. Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

19 January

1.    At the invitation of U Win Myint, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, His Excellency Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, paid a State Visit to Myanmar from 17 to 18 January 2020.

2.    2. President Mr. Xi Jinping and the Chinese delegation arrived at the Nay Pyi Taw International Airport by special flight in the afternoon of 17 January 2020. The President was welcomed by Vice President U Myint Swe, Union Ministers and responsible officials at the Nay Pyi Taw International Airport.

3.    In the evening, President U Win Myint accorded a ceremonial welcome to visiting President Mr.Xi Jinping at the lawn of the Presidential Palace. Then, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi cordially greeted President Mr. Xi Jinping at the Presidential Palace. Subsequently, President U Win Myint held a meeting with President Mr. Xi Jinping at the Credential Hall of the Presidential Palace. During the meeting, the two leaders candidly exchanged views on matters pertaining to the further consolidation of the existing bilateral relations and expansion of cooperation, joint celebration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Myanmar and China, enhancement of cultural and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries. They also extended their wishes for greater successes in each other’s efforts for peace, prosperity and further development in their respective countries.

4.    It was followed by a State Banquet hosted by President U Win Myint in honour of the visiting Chinese President Mr. Xi Jinping at the State Banquet Hall of the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw. At the banquet, the two leaders delivered speeches and exchanged toasts expressing their aspiration to work hand in hand for strengthening of friendship and partnership to the mutual benefit of the two countries and peoples.

5.    Afterwards, the Chinese delegation led by President Mr. Xi Jinping left the Presidential Palace for the Myanmar International Convention Centre (2). President Mr. Xi Jinping was greeted by Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and Pyithu Hluttaw U T Khun Myat and Speaker of Amyotha Hulttaw Mahn Win Khaing Than and they had a group photo taken. Subsequently, President Mr. Xi Jinping met with representatives of 17 political parties of Myanmar and group photos were taken. Afterwards, President U Win Myint, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and Chinese President Mr. Xi Jinping viewed the documentary photographs on the exchange of bilateral visits and cooperation between Myanmar and China during the past seven decades of diplomatic relations. Then, the leaders attended the ceremony to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Myanmar-China Diplomatic Relations and the launch of the Myanmar-China Culture and Tourism Year 2020. At the ceremony, President U Win Myint, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President Xi Jinping delivered speeches. Afterwards, the two Presidents officially launched the Myanmar- China Culture and Tourism Year 2020. Myanmar and Chinese cultural troupes entertained the invited guests with traditional dances.

6.    In the morning of 18 January 2020, bilateral talks between State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President Mr. Xi Jinping was held at the Presidential Palace. During the meeting, both sides stressed the importance of further enhancement of the existing Myanmar- China relations for mutual benefits, expansion of multi-faceted cooperation including Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) Projects, infrastructure projects, commemorative activities and events of the 70th Anniversary of the establishment of Myanmar-China diplomatic relations throughout the year 2020 in both countries, promotion of people-to-people exchanges  and closer collaboration and coordination in both regional and multilateral fora on issues of mutual interest.

7.    The State Counsellor stressed the importance of the prevalence of peace and stability in Myanmar and the achievement of peace process for successful implementation of the bilateral cooperation projects. The Chinese side reiterated its continued support of the Myanmar Government’s ongoing efforts for national reconciliation, peace process and the repatriation and resettlement of displaced persons from the Rakhine State. The Chinese government pledged to provide Yuan 4 billion in three years as development assistance to Myanmar. The Myanmar side expressed its appreciation to China for its assistance for Myanmar’s development efforts.

8.    Following the talks, the State Counsellor and the Chinese President witnessed the exchange of the agreements, memoranda of understanding and documents between Myanmar and China, namely, MoU on Accelerating Negotiation on the Framework Agreement on the China-Myanmar Ruli-Muse Cross Border Economic Cooperation Zone, MoU on the Establishment of the Working Group for the Promotion of Smooth Trade, Implementation Agreement of the China-aid Upgrading of No.2 Industrial Training Centre (Mandalay) Project, MoU on on Promoting Production Capacity and Investment Cooperation, Handover Certificate of the Yangon Police Command Centre, Exchange Letter for the Provision of 6 Patrol Boats for Myanmar Police Force, Exchange Letter for Feasibility Study on 3-Year Development Plan of Border Areas, Agreement on Cooperation between National Radio and Television Administration of China and Ministry of Information of Myanmar, MoU on Co-organizing the Myanmar Day of 2020 Lancang-Mekong TV Week, Protocol on Plant Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for Exporting Rice from Myanmar to China, Protocol for Heat Processed Cocoon to be Imported from Myanmar to China, Protocol on Quarantine Health Requirements for Slaughter Bovine to be Exported from Myanmar to China, Exchange letter for the Project of Agricultural Product Quality Control Centre, Exchange letter for the Project of Hybrid-Rice Research Centre, Implementation Agreement for Procurement of Passenger Coaches by Interest Free Loan, MoU on Enhancing Infrastructure Development Cooperation, MoU on Human Resources Development Cooperation, Implementation Agreement of the Kunlong Bridge Project, Exchange Letter for the Feasibility Study on the Resettlement Project for Internally Displaced Persons in Kachin State, Concession Agreement and Shareholder’s Agreement of Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone Deep Sea Port Project, MoU on Local Cooperation under the Framework of Joint Building China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) between the Yunnan Province and Mandalay Region, MoU on the Establishment of Friendship-Province/ Region Relationship between Yunnan Province and Yangon Region, Letter of Intent Regarding New Urban Development of Yangon City, Agreement on Mutual Provision of Embassy Lands and Buildings, MoU between the Two Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar and China on Strengthening Cooperation, MoU on Conducting Feasibility Study of the Myanmar-China Power Interconnection Project, MoU on Cooperation between Chinese and Myanmar Football Associations, Handover of Detailed Feasibility Study Reports of Mandalay-Tigyaing-Muse Expressway & Kyaukpyu-Naypyitaw Highway Projects and Handing Over of the Muse-Mandalay Railway Feasibility Study Report. Moreover, MoU on Feasibility Study for Yangon River Estuary West Bank Protection Project, MoU on Feasibility Study for Mandalay-Bagan Railway Line Project, Letter of Intent for Acceleration of Meel-lin-gyaing integrated LNG to Power Project and MoU of Feasibility Study for Watalone Tunnel Project were also signed on separate occasions during the visit.

9.    In the afternoon, President Mr. Xi Jinping received Senior- General Min Aung Hlaing, Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services, at the Horizon Lake View Hotel. Then, President Mr. Xi Jinping, attended the luncheon hosted by State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at Shwe San Eain Hotel. After the luncheon, President Mr. Xi Jinping and the Chinese delegation departed Nay Pyi Taw for Beijing by special flight. They were seen off by Vice President U Myint Swe, Union Ministers and responsible officials at the Nay Pyi Taw International Airport.

10.    10. A Joint Statement was issued at the conclusion of the State Visit. In the statement, both sides agreed to consolidate the traditional bonds of friendship between Myanmar and China, promote comprehensive strategic cooperation and build Myanmar-China Community with a shared future based on the aims of mutual benefits, equality and win-win cooperation. Myanmar wished China to achieve its two centenary goals and Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. China wished Myanmar for success in national reconciliation, peace process and economic development. Both sides expressed satisfaction on the steadfast adherence to the jointly initiated Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and strengthening of bilateral exchanges at various levels.

11.    Both sides agreed to step up Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) cooperation and promote the three pillars of the CMEC, namely the Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone, Myanmar-China Border Economic Cooperation Zones, and new urban development of Yangon City as well as framework infrastructure projects of connectivity such as roads, railways, electric power and energy. Both sides agreed to designate the year 2020 as “Myanmar-China Year of Culture and Tourism”.

12.    The Chinese side firmly supports Myanmar in its aim to adopt a development path that is in line with its national conditions, the safeguarding of its legitimate rights and interests, as well as national dignity, on the international stage, and to maintain the momentum of development and stability. The Myanmar side reiterates its firm commitment to the One China Policy and supports the efforts of China to resolve the issues of Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang, which are inalienable parts of China.

13.    The Chinese side supports the efforts of the Myanmar side to advance the national reconciliation and peace process through political dialogue based on the spirit of Panglong Conference. The Myanmar side appreciates the positive and constructive support extended by the Chinese side to the process. The Chinese side also supports the efforts of Myanmar to address the humanitarian situation, and to promote peace, stability and development for all communities in Rakhine State. Myanmar reiterated its commitment to receive verified displaced persons based on the bilateral agreement reached between Myanmar and Bangladesh. Myanmar thanked China for its understanding of the complexity of the issue and for all its support to Myanmar.

14.    Both sides agreed to designate the year 2020 as “Myanmar- China Year of Culture and Tourism” to hold a series of joint celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations; strengthen social and people-to–people exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, tourism, religion, and media; and deepen mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples. Both sides also agreed to continue cooperation in regional and multilateral fora such as the United Nations, China- ASEAN cooperation and Lancang-Mekong cooperation platforms.

15.    The State Visit of President Mr. Xi Jinping to Myanmar is a significant milestone in the bilateral relations of the two countries as it is his first visit to Myanmar after the assumption of the high office as the President of People’s Republic of China in 2013 as well as the first visit of the Chinese President to Myanmar in 19 years. The Visit also coincides with the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Myanmar and China.

16.    During the visit, both leaders agreed to elevate the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership to the level of the building the Myanmar-China community with a shared future based on equality and win-win cooperation to the benefits of the two peoples. Moreover, China’s provision of Yuan (4) billion assistance for Myanmar’s development and a total of (33) Agreements, MoUs and Documents which were signed or exchanged during the State Visit served as an impetus to further enhance bilateral ties and expand mutually beneficial multi-faceted cooperation between Myanmar and China. Ministry of Foreign.

Affairs Nay Pyi Taw Date, 18 January 2020