Private firm offers free training to revive woodturning art

To revitalize woodturning, one of Myanmar’s 10 traditional arts, a private firm is offering free on-job training classes.


U Min Min Tun, owner of the Mandalamin Wood­turning and Myanmar Musi­cal Instruments Production, emphasized: “The craft is on the brink of extinction both in terms of marketability and the number of professionals. This month, we’ll be launching a paid internship programme, inviting new recruits to join us. It’s crucial to incentivize the preservation of this craft.”


Additionally, the proprie­tor has a plan to modernize the craft while maintaining its cultural characteristics, so it can be more appealing as a livelihood.


Woodturning finds its pri­mary application in crafting short and long drums, as well as graded drums essential for traditional orchestral drum circles. Moreover, it is instru­mental in fashioning handles for bamboo in the bunch-and-bamboo instrumental combo. — ASH/NT