Pro-government Iranians rally in Tehran

26 November

Thousands of supporters of Iran's clerical regime rallied in Tehran, condemning anti-government protests which followed fuel price hikes by the government earlier this month.

They gathered in the capital on Monday for a massive rally organized by a group with close ties to the government.

The participants accused the United States, Israel and other US allies of inciting extreme acts by anti-government protesters. They shouted, "Death to America" and "Death to Israel."

The chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps warned of retaliation if foreign powers were to support rioters.

The Iranian government has not disclosed the number of fatalities from the recent clashes between anti-government protesters and security troops, which had spread nationwide.

An international human rights organization says that at least 143 people have been killed.

The pro-government rally was promoted by the state-run broadcaster prior to the gathering. It is seen as an attempt by the Iranian government to shift blame on the unrest away from itself to foreign countries.