Public talk related to rural development held in Pannandin Tsp.

Pannandin, 30 December


Public talk titled “rural development” was held at the class room of Primary School in Ngawar Village, Pannandin Township, Kachin State on 27 December.


First of all, the township Administrator U Nay Myo Tun gave an opening speech and staff officer of the township Information and Public Relations Department Daw Phun Ku Kha Maing clarified the purpose of the talk.


Afterwards, officials from the Township’s General Administrator Department, Development Supervisory Department, Agriculture Department and Pannandin B.E.H.S discussed matters relating to the development programs in rural area and answered queries raised by those present on the occasion.—Naw Yaw Baw, Sein Aung, IPRD

Translated by JT