Public talks conducted in South Okkalapa

Yangon, 31 December


Public talks titled “Youth and the future”, jointly organized by the state Hluttaw Representatives, GAD and IPRD, were conducted at Myinthar Myo Oo Monastery in ward-14, South Okkalapa, Yangon Region yesterday.


First of all, the township Administrator U Nyein Chan Aung delivered an opening speech and clarified the purpose of the talks.


Afterwards, Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Dr Saw Naing, the township Administrator U Nyein Chan Aung, U Khin Nyo Oo of the township Education officer’s Office, writer Lin Yaung Sin, writer Ko Thaung discussed youth and the future at the talks and answered queries raised by those present on the occasion.


Altogether 400 people including Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Dr. Saw Naing, the township Administrator U Nyein Chan Aung, U Khin Nyo Oo of the township Education officer’s Office, writer Lin Yaung Sin, writer Ko Thaung, nuns, students and teachers attended the talks.—Nay Htet Aung, IPRD


Translated by JT