Pyidaungsu Hluttaw approves Joint Scrutinizing Committee report

5 September

THE 13th regular session of Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw has approved the report of Joint Scrutinizing Committee on the Second Bill Amending the Constitution during its 20th day meeting yesterday.




The report was tabled by the 145 MPs, including Dr Maung Thin from Meiktila constituency.

Among the MP discussions about the report, the committees secretary, Dr Myat Nyana Soe, explained that the Pyidaungsu Hluttaws MP exchanged views on the Joint Scrutinizing Committees report in line with their duties and responsibilities, and that he requested the Hluttaw to make its decision on the report.

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat also said that a total of 33 MP debated on the report with their references, suggestions and opinions. Although he handed this report in accordance with his duties and responsibilities, a final decision on the debates is concerned with the Hluttaw. He also assured all the processes in this motion were carried out as per Article 21, 22 and 23 of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law.

In line with the laws and procedures, the report was approved by 376 votes to 203 with 4 abstentions through electronic voting system.

US$ 51.20 mln loan from ADB

Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Linn and Deputy Minister for Planning and Finance U Maung Maung Win discussed about the issues sent by the State President on seeking US$ 51.20 million loan from the Asian Development Bank for construction of rural road networks which will be carried out by the Ministry of Construction.

The Construction Deputy Minister explained the needs for construction of rural road networks to transport agricultural produce which is the main driver for the countrys GDP, and that the ministry has projected 80 per cent of rural roads would be able to use for all seasons by 2030. He also said the country could sign a loan agreement with ADB by December this year, the amount of grant would be $5.8 million and the amount of loan will decline to $45.4 million.

The first package of loan will be spent in Ayayawady and Magway regions, and that the ADB will increase loans in the following years.

He then sought an approval of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw to take the loan, and MoPFs Deputy Minister also su Then Pyidaungsu Hluttaw approved the loan plan by 554 votes to 27 with 4 abstentions. pported the motion.

The members of Union level organizations discussed about the principles in the report of findings and recommendations from the two joint committees, regarding the National Planning Bill and the Union Budget Bill for 2019-2020 fiscal year.

Union Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation U Ohn Win explained the ministrys policy, objects and the plans to be implemented in line with the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan.

He also said the ministry has expected K 12.044 billion from foreign funds to implement 36 projects for 2019-2020 fiscal year. He also pledged to spend the budgets in line with rules and regulations, with close monitoring and scrutinizing on the expenditures.

Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Maj-Gen Aung Thu said the ministry has been budgeted a total of K471.823 billion for 2018-2019 fiscal year, and some of these budgets are being spent for erection of barbed wire fences at the western land border of Myanmar with Bangladesh since 2009-2010 fiscal year in contract system with the Office of Quartermaster General under the Ministry of Defence. He also assured that the construction processes were carried out transparently and cooperated with the local Hluttaw representatives and the local governments for inspecting and scrutinizing.

Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw said the ministry has expected K 1,073.529 billion to implement the projects under the National Planning Bill in 2019-2020 fiscal year. He also guaranteed the ministry will manage the budgets in line with the findings and recommendations of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee in carrying out the ministry’s objectives on economic development and socio-economic development of rural people based on agricultural and livestock sector.

The issue was also discussed by Union Minister for Transport and Communications U Thant Sin Maung, Deputy Minister for Border Affairs Major General Than Htut, Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy Dr Tun Naing, Deputy Minister for Industry Dr Min Ye Paing Hein, Deputy Minister for Education U Win Maw Tun, Deputy Minister for Health and Sports Dr Mya Lay Sein, Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Linn, Nay Pyi Taw Council Member U Aung Myin Tun, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Soe Min and Deputy Minister for Planning and Finance U Maung Maung Win.

Next, the MPs discussed about the 2019 Union Tax Bill.

Daw Cho Cho, MP from Ottwin constituency, suggested an average of 20 per cent tax and 25 per cent tax for each cigarette box worth over K1,000.

She also discussed the reduction of income tax for anyone who earn K4.8 million and above each year or who get income from any profession, business and other sources after abstracting the amount of tax exemption in line with sub-para (a) of Article 6 under the Income Tax Law.

Lt-Col Aung Kyaw Moe, MP of Tatmadaw representative, suggested the taxation rates should be fixed in comparing with the previous experiences, economic situation of the country, possible increment due to investments, increasing employment opportunities, increase in revenue and objectives of taxation.

He also advised to protect taxpayers, reasonable tax rate and less burden of tax on the poor and the middle-class persons.

The bill was also discussed by Dr Thet Thet Khaing from Dagon constituency, U Khin Myo Win from Thaninthayi Region constituency 12, U Aung Kyaw Kyaw Oo from Hline constituency, Dr Pyae Phyo from Ayeyawady region constituency 7, U Myo Win from Mon State constituency 8, Major Soe Naing of Tatmadaw Hluttaw representative, U Ye Htut from Sagaing region constituency 5 and Dr Khin Sithu from Loikaw constituency.

The 13th regular session of Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw will convene its the 21st day meeting on 6th September.— Aung Ye Thwin and Aye Aye Thant 

(Translated by Aung Khin)