Pyidaungsu Hluttaw to call for release of hostages arrested by AA armed group

14 November


The 14th regular session of second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw held its fourth-day meeting yesterday, condemning AA armed group for the detention of Amyotha Hluttaw MP U Hwei Tin from Chin State Constituency 11, civil service staff and civilians.

The Hluttaw agreed to discuss the emergency motion tabled by Pyithu Hluttaw MP Dr Hla Moe from Aungmyethazan constituency for the unconditional and immediate release of these hostages.


Education bill was passed

Dr Myat Nyana Soe, the Secretary of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee, tabled motions over the controversial education bill between the two Hluttaw, and the MPs discussed them before the Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw approved it with the agreements of Ministry of Education and the Bill Committee.

The MP then discussed the 15/2019 Report on the findings and recommendations of the Joint Public Accounts Committee on in the implementation of construction projects with the funds of 2018-2019 fiscal year for the Basic Education Department under the Ministry of Education.


Anti-Corruption Law for blacklisted companies in school construction projects

MP Dr Sein Mya Lay from Dala constituency tabled a motion to apply Anti-Corruption Law in taking legal actions against unethical quality control officers and construction companies that breached rules and regulations in the projects, in addition to putting them into the blacklist.

She also said to take actions against the school heads who ignored the quality of construction projects in conspiring with the contractors.

U Kyaw Thung, MP from Sagaing Region constituency 1 also discussed the systematic tender selection process for school construction companies as a total of 2,881 projects failed to realize although the projects have been passed for 2018-2019 fiscal year.

The 15/2019 Report of JPAC was also discussed by MP U Kyaw Shwe from Yambye constituency, MP Daw Mar Mar Khaing from Thaton constituency, MP U Oo Hla Saw from MraukU constituency, MP U Myint Naing from Rakhine State constituency 5 and MP U Sein Myint from Myingyan constituency.


ASEAN Centre for Active Ageing and Innovation (ACAI)

The MP also discussed the topic presented by the President for Myanmar to sign the establishment of ASEAN Centre for Active Ageing and Innovation (ACAI) which aims to prepare for an ageing society and the continuing need to promote the well-being of the elderly in the region.

MP U San Myint from Ayeyawady Region Constituency 3 discussed the reasons for this center in serving as a knowledge centre on active ageing and innovation for the elderly people in the region.

MP U Saw Victor Khaleik from Thandaunggyi Constituency discussed the importance of local and regional cooperation in supporting the ageing people and supported that Myanmar needs to sign the agreement on the establishment of the centre.

MP Dr Sein Mya Aye from Dala constituency, MP U Kyaw Thaung from Sagaing Region constituency 1, MP U Khin Cho from Hlaingbwe constituency, MP U Myint Oo from Magway constituency, MP Dr Thet Thet Khaing from Dagon constituency, MP Dr San Shwe Win from Yekyi constituency, MP U Win Win from Minbu constituency and MP U Ye Lwin from Ahlon constituency discussed the topic.

Union Minister for Health and Sports Dr Myint Htwe agreed to implement the recommendation of MPs to sign the agreement for the establishment of ACAI. And the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw approved it.


Activities of Myanmar National Human Rights Commission from January to 24 September 2019
The MPs also discussed the report on activities of Myanmar National Human Rights Commissions from January to 24 September this year.

MP U Khin Cho from Hlaingbwe constituency discussed the importance of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in arrests, continuous and close monitoring on human rights situations at prisons, detention centres, factories, hard labour camps and refugee camps, and actions against those who failed to follow human rights.

Lt-Col Win Ko of Pyithu Huttaw’s Tatmadaw Representative discussed the wording on HIV infection and separate treatments for leprous prisoners to prevent future infections to other prisoners. He also suggested issuing the order number in appointing a director-general at the President’s Office and the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission to ensure the citizen rights in accordance with the objectives of its law and the Chapter 8 of 2008 Constitution.

The report on MNHRC was also discussed by MP Dr Than Win from Mandalay Region constituency 1, MP U Myint Naing from Rakhine State constituency 5, MP U Saw from NyungU constituency, MP Naw Hla Hla Soe from Yangon Region constituency 10, MP U Nay Kyaw from Dagon Myothit (East) constituency, MP U Kyaw Thaung from Sagaing Region constituency 1, MP U Sein Myint from Myingyan constituency, U Ko Ko Naing from Sagaing Region constituency 8, MP U Thaung Aye from Pyawbwe constituency, Pyithu Hluttaw Tatmadaw Representative Lt Col Nyi Nyi Lwin, MP U Tin Aung Tun from Magway Region constituency 5 and MP U Htay Win Aung (a) U Pyone Cho from Dawbon constituency.

Release of hostages arrested by AA armed group

In his emergency motion, MP Dr Hla Moe from Aungmyethazan constituency said Myanmar is in the process of national reconciliation for internal peace in heading to the establishment of a democratic federal union, and the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw has also taken record on the establishment of a union based on democracy and federal system.

The Government, the Hluttaws and the Tatmadaw are negotiating with the relevant organizations to end internal armed conflicts. However, Amyotha Hluttaw MP U Hwei Tin from Chin State Constituency 11, who was coming back to Nay Pyi Taw to attend the 14th regular session second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, was abducted by AA armed group on 3 November 2019, together with five Indian citizens who are working at Paletwa-Zorampu project, their two interpreters and two motorboat drivers on their way from Paletwa to Kyawktaw township along the Kalatan river.

MP Dr Hla Moe also said although other hostages had been released, U Hwei Tin has remained detained for 11 days on November 13. It was reportedly known that the AA group abducted other civilians and civil service staff. It is nonsense and unreasonable for AA armed group to insist the arrests were made due to security reasons.

He added that the illegal acts of armed group are undermining the efforts and future goals of the government and the people, and that he urged the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw to discuss the unconditional and immediate release of U Hwei Tin and other hostages.

MP U Maung Maung Law, the secretary of Amyotha Hluttaw and Hluttaw Rights Committee, from Sagaing Region constituency 9 expressed his support to the emergency motion and his condemnation on the detention of hostages.

Then, the Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw announced to discuss the emergency motion with the unanimous approval of MPs, and to enlist the names of MPs who want to discuss the motion.

The fifth-day meeting of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw will convene on 15 November.— Aung Ye Thwin, Aye Aye Thant
(Translated by Aung Khin)