Pyidaungsu Hluttaw debates constitutional amendment bill report, merging of two Union-level ministries

21 November

DURING the seventh-day meet-ing  of  the  Second  Pyidaungsu  Hluttaw’s  14th  regular  session  yesterday, MPs debated a tabling from Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Brig-Gen Maung Maung and 143 Tatmadaw MPs on  the  Joint  Constitution  Scru-tinizing  Committee’s  report  on  the  Second  Bill  Amending  the  Constitution.

MPs debate constitutional amendment proposals

MP U Thaung Aye of Pyaw-bwe  constituency  said  ethnic  armed   organizations   have   staged  attacks  today  for  their  rights to autonomy, equal rights, decentralization and democratic rights.  As  such,  it  would  be  the  right thing to do for the Hluttaw to debate proposals from MPs U Thein  Tun,  Dr  Maung  Thin  and  Brig-Gen  Maung  Maung  which  focus  on  amending  these  facts  and the remaining bills to amend the constitution.

Tatmadaw  Pyithu  Hluttaw  Representative  Lt-Col  Kyaw  Zeya  voiced  his  disapproval  of  the report. He said that the report includes amendments to Articles 232-a and 261-a of the 2008 Consti-tution will only be made when a final comprehensive bill to make amendments to the entirety of the Constitution  has  been  submit-ted. He said this act goes against Chapter  XII  of  the  Constitution  and any further amendment pro-posals should follow Chapter XII and related laws and bylaws of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

MP  U  Hla  San  of  Magway  Region constituency 1 then sug-gested  a  rethinking  whether  discussing  each  section  of  the  constitution amending bill in de-tail  will  yield  good  results  and  reduce time, money and energy spent on it. He said he surmises that  proposed  amendments  or  additions to articles seem to be di-rected to individuals in the same manner as Article 59-f. He said he disapproves of additions to Article 234-a and e and Article 261-a and e, but approves the report of the joint review committee.

The  report  was  further  de-bated by Tatmadaw Pyithu Hlut-taw  Representative  Major  Tin  Lin,  Tatmadaw  Pyithu  Hluttaw  Representative Lt-Col Daw Soe Soe Myint, MP U Thant Zin Tun of  Dekkhinathiri  constituency,  Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Major Daw Aye Aye Mar, MP U Oo Hla Saw of MraukU constituency,  Tatmadaw  Pyithu  Hluttaw  Representative  Lt-Col  Myo Win Hlaing, MP U Sai Than Naing of Kayin State constituency 5, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw Rep-resentative Lt-Col Zaw Myo Htet, and  Tatmadaw  Pyithu  Hluttaw  Representative Lt-Col Daw San Thidar Khin.

Scrutinizing committee secretary offers clarification

Next, Dr Myat Nyanna Soe, Secretary  of  the  Joint  Commit-tee  to  Scrutinizing  the  Second  Bill  Amending  the  Constitution,  said as he read the report of the joint Scrutinizing committee and proposals  from  144  Tatmadaw  Hluttaw Representatives, including Tatmadaw Amyotha Hluttaw Representative  Brig-Gen  Aung  San Chit, to the assembly, there are currently 4 bills for making a second batch of amendments to the Constitution.

He said a close inspection of all  four  bills  will  show  that  they  do  not  intend  to  amend  the  en-tire Constitution, but rather only some parts of it. He said the Joint Committee on Amending the 2008 Constitution was approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and propor-tionatly comprised of MPs of the Hluttaw  who  are  members  of  political parties or independents.

Dr Myat Nyana Soe said this committee  will  compile  all  the  proposed amendment to the Con-stitution  and  compile  them  into  a bill and when it is submitted to the Hluttaw in line with the laws and bylaws of the Hluttaw, it will submitted separately at the same time with the 4 amendment bills already  submitted  to  the  Hlut-taw.  He  said  the  joint  Scrutiniz-ing committee, composed of bill committee  members  of  the  Py-ithu and Amyotha Hluttaws, will scrutinize them all consecutively.

The  committee  secretary  said  all  the  articles  and  sub-ar-ticles  in  the  bills  will  be  scruti-nized  and  none  of  them  left  out  for review during this process. He said  most  of  the  joint  Scrutiniz-ing committee members find that tabling them to the Hluttaw in a combined form would make the use of time and processes more efficient. He said joint committee members  U  Stephen,  Brig-Gen  Maung Maung and Brig-Gen Tint Lwin have tabled for the Hluttaw to continue discussing the bill in line with Chapter XII of the Con-stitution and the laws and bylaws of the Hluttaw.

Dr Myat Nyana Soe said the motion tabled by the 144 Tatmad-aw  Hluttaw  Representatives  to  submit  the  current  bill  and  the  four submitted bills on constitu-tional amendment in a combined comprehensive form to the Hlut-taw should be followed and called for MPs to debate the joint Scru-tinizing  committee’s  report  and  pass a decision afterwards.Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speak-er U T Khun Myat then called for MPs interested in discussing the report to register their names.

Kyoto Convention, Edu-cation Ministry’s budget proposal

Next,  Deputy  Minister  for  Planning  and  Finance  U  Set  Aung  read  a  message  sent  by  the  President  on  the  possibility  of Myanmar becoming a member to the WCO Revised Kyoto Con-vention and the Speaker called for MPs interested in discussing the matter to register their names.

This was followed by Union Minister  for  Education  Dr  Myo  Thein Gyi responding to MPs de-bating the Report No (15/2019) by the Joint Public Accounts Com-mittee on the Ministry of Educa-tion’s  Basic  Education  Depart-ment’s progress on construction projects included in the allotted budget for 2018-2019 fiscal year.

The Union Minister said the Basic Education Department will closely follow all the suggestions outlined  in  the  committee’s  re-port. He said of the 4,797 projects carried out by the department in 2018-2019  FY  across  the  states  and  regions,  76  have  been  re-turned as excess funds. He said that  2,590  projects  from  the  re-maining  4,721  projects  were  a  hundred  per  cent  completed  as  of 30 September, 2019. He added that they have returned K55.366 billion from uncompleted projects for 2018-2019 FY as excess funds. He said they will review all pro-jects  whose  budgets  have  been  returned,  but  are  completed  by  20 per cent of more, for acquiring funding  in  the  2019-2020  FY  in  order to complete them.

Joint Public Accounts Com-mittee  Vice  Chairman  U  Aung  Min then motioned for the assem-bly to accept Report No 15/2019. The Speaker gathered the delib-eration  of  the  Hluttaw,  received  no  opposition,  and  announced  the  assembly  has  approved  the report.

Merging of MPs  then  debated  the  pro-posed  merging  of  the  Ministry  of  Industry  and  the  Ministry  of  Planning  and  Finance  into  the  Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry.

MP U Ye Htut of Sagaing Re-gion constituency 5 said he rejects the merging of the two ministries as they are different in principle. He said the Ministry of Planning and  Finance  has  numerous  de-partments all devoted to setting budget  regulations  and  ensur-ing the budget proposals of other ministries are not wasted, while the Ministry of Industry focuses on expenditures, production, de-veloping  the  nation’s  industrial  sector and economy. As such, they cannot be amalgamated into one ministry.

MP Daw Cho Cho of Ottwin constituency voiced her approval of the two ministries merging as they  have  shown  that  doing  so  would greatly assist the transfor-mation of Myanmar’s industrial activities and effectively boost her proposal to supply the needed fi-nance and assistance for revising investment policies and making domestic production a part of the global supply chain.

The  matter  was  further  debated  by  MP  U  Khin  Cho  of  Hlaingbwe  constituency,  MP  U  Aung  Htoo  Myint  of  Aunglan  constituency, MP U Soe Thein of Kayah State constituency 9, MP U Bo Gyi of Chauk constituency, MP  U  Maung  Myint  of  Mingin  constituency, MP U Sai Than Na-ing of Kayin State constituency 5, MP  U  Thaung  Aye  of  Pyawbwe  constituency,  MP  U  Kyaw  Aung  Lwin of Sedoktara constituency, MP U Sein Win of Maubin constit-uency, MP Daw Nan Ni Ni Aye of Kayin  State  constituency  6,  MP  U  Saw  Thalay  Saw  of  Shwekyin  constituency, MP U Myat Lay of Htilin  constituency,  Tatmadaw  Pyithu  Hluttaw  Representative  Major  Zay  Phyo,  MP  U  Kan  Oo  of Salin constituency, Tatmadaw Amyotha Hluttaw Representative Major Kyaw Soe Oo, and MP Daw Khin San Hlaing of Pale constit-uency. The eight-day meeting of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 14th regular session will be held on 26  November.—Aung  Ye  Thwin,  Aye  Aye  Thant  (Translated  by  Zaw Htet Oo)