Pyidaungsu Hluttaw discusses bill amending 2008 Constitution, puts two bills on record

THE ninth-day meeting of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 14th regular session was held at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday morning.


Hluttaw discusses another report of Joint Committee on Scrutinizing the Constitution


The meeting started with Hluttaw representatives discussing a report of Joint Committee on Scrutinizing the second bill amending the Constitution on a bill amending the Constitution for the second time signed and submitted by 144 Tatmadaw Hluttaw representatives including Tatmadaw Amyotha Hluttaw  representative Brig-Gen Aung San Chit.




The report was discussed by Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Captain Daw Khin Nyein Chan, U Win Maung of Magway Region constituency 6, U San Myint of Ayeyawady Region constituency 3, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Lt-Col Sai Aik Hla, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Major Ye Soe, U Wai Sein Aung of Rakhine State constituency 1, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Major Kyaw Min Han, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Major Thant Zin, U Soe Thein of Kayah State constituency 9, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Major Aung Thwin Soe, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative major Zwe Nay Zaw, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Major Saw Kyaw Aung Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Major Win Min Tun and Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Colonel Khin Maung Cho.


Discussions in contravention of rules removed from record


Following the discussion, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat informed the Hluttaw about recent Hluttaw meetings. Hluttaw representatives were cautioned to conduct discussions and debates according to the rules and regulations and in keeping with the dignity of their positions as representatives.


During the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw meeting held on 26 November, 15 Hluttaw representatives had discussed a report of the Joint Committee on scrutinizing the second bill amending the Constitution, signed and submitted by 144 Tatmadaw Hluttaw representatives, including Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Brig-Gen Maung Maung. Some of the discussions by some representatives were in contravention of the Hluttaw rules and regulations on ethics and regulations for representatives, said the Speaker.




The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker said that as the words used by five Hluttaw representatives during the discussion were not in conformity with the rules and regulations, they would be deleted from the record.


Hluttaw put two bills on record


Next, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker announced the Hluttaw putting on record the Myanmar Medical Degree, Diploma and Certificate bill and a bill to prevent an Increased Quantity of Imports that were considered as approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.


Hluttaw approves report of Joint Committee on Scrutinizing the Constitution


Afterwards, secretary of Joint Committee on Scrutinizing the second bill amending the Constitution Dr Myat Nyana Soe responded to the discussion of Hluttaw representatives on the committee report on a bill amending the Constitution for the second time signed and submitted by 144 Tatmadaw Hluttaw representatives including Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Brig-Gen Maung Maung.


After the Hluttaw voted 362 for and 192 against without any abstaining vote, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker announced that the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw discusses bill amending 2008 Constitution, puts two bills on record Hluttaw approved the report of the Joint Committee on Scrutinizing the second bill amending the Constitution.


The tenth-day meeting of the 14th regular session of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw will be held on 3 December. —Aung Ye Thwin, Aye Aye Thant


(Translated by Zaw Min)